I guess the music thing really got me big when my father bought me a Harmony guitar 13 years ago for Christmas... I had a lot of fun learning all the oldies that I could...used to dress up like Buddy Holly all the time and come out singing a song to everyone in the living room.
I had a hard time with the "F" chord when I was little...those little hands just don't do that chord...now my thumb helps me play!
After that, I got a Squire Stratocaster, and when I was about 9 years old, went and saw Jonny Lang playing at Ironworld here on the range...he came into the crowd wireless and played right in front of me...it was very very cool....and I guess that's what really got me started on blues.
I stole the CD from my dad when we got home and got a million percent hooked on it. I was trying to learn everything...how to sing them blues the right way...all the licks...everything.
Finally, after I started getting used to it, I wanted to try new stuff. I had heard that Jonny Lang was supposed to be another SRV (and until now, I didn't realize that's what they compared every young blues guitar slinger to...including myself) so I checked out some CD's that my dad had lying around.
So I got to be pretty good at that...and wanted a band...so I put an ad in the paper, and found Kevin...played with him for about 4 years now...I remember my sister telling me some old guy called and wanted to play drums...turns out young Kev just had a low voice!
Bought me a better guitar...and I worked and worked...found Joe this year (2003) and here we are today...getting better and trying our best to be the best we can.
Currently, my gear of choice is my heavily Modified Mexican Strat which includes-Texas Special Pickups, an LSR roller nut, a Red Moto PG, a .049 Cap, Graph Tech saddles. I run this into my effects, which in usual use go guitar-Compressor(on and off I use a Milkbox DOD compressor)-Crybaby 535Q wah-TS9DX Ibanez Tubescreamer-Carvin Vintage tube 33 amplifier.... now, on the CD I use a Vibrolux. I highly recommend getting a Fender reissue tube amp. I don't have one cause I wasn't smart years ago. but I like the Carvin just fine.
Other guitars- Gretsch 3900 hollowbody historic series, badly modified Squire Strat (too many mods to explain on this one) , and a Mako Les Paul that I got for free and fixed. Acoustics...I'd like a Gibson Cutaway Jumbo, but I use a Stratacoustic at this point.
Some people that have influenced me include- Rufus Thomas, Buddy Holly, Sha Na Na, Eric Clapton, Hanson, Jonny Lang, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Mel Torme', Harry Connick Jr., John Coltrane... I could go on